Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: February 2020
Generated 01-Mar-2020 04:39 CET

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for February 2020
Total Hits 38804
Total Files 11346
Total Pages 38097
Total Visits 2154
Total KBytes 1697998
Total Unique Sites 1033
Total Unique URLs 54
Total Unique Referrers 600
Total Unique User Agents 96
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 55 1456
Hits per Day 1338 2848
Files per Day 391 1860
Pages per Day 1313 2808
Visits per Day 74 522
KBytes per Day 58552 289548
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 11346
Code 206 - Partial Content 39
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 2
Code 304 - Not Modified 43
Code 404 - Not Found 27316
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 58

Daily usage for February 2020

Daily Statistics for February 2020
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 790 2.04% 232 2.04% 777 2.04% 27 1.25% 16 1.55% 17189 1.01%
2 678 1.75% 113 1.00% 676 1.77% 34 1.58% 14 1.36% 11680 0.69%
3 489 1.26% 145 1.28% 445 1.17% 39 1.81% 20 1.94% 12187 0.72%
4 556 1.43% 87 0.77% 544 1.43% 31 1.44% 22 2.13% 7039 0.41%
5 1323 3.41% 142 1.25% 1201 3.15% 38 1.76% 20 1.94% 289548 17.05%
6 1311 3.38% 130 1.15% 1240 3.25% 31 1.44% 20 1.94% 289000 17.02%
7 1497 3.86% 212 1.87% 1447 3.80% 28 1.30% 18 1.74% 170425 10.04%
8 1462 3.77% 81 0.71% 1443 3.79% 28 1.30% 20 1.94% 7376 0.43%
9 1723 4.44% 335 2.95% 1703 4.47% 59 2.74% 26 2.52% 34443 2.03%
10 2030 5.23% 631 5.56% 2025 5.32% 65 3.02% 24 2.32% 64986 3.83%
11 1422 3.66% 265 2.34% 1398 3.67% 64 2.97% 20 1.94% 27694 1.63%
12 1241 3.20% 307 2.71% 1221 3.20% 52 2.41% 20 1.94% 29333 1.73%
13 1499 3.86% 580 5.11% 1485 3.90% 69 3.20% 30 2.90% 56776 3.34%
14 2632 6.78% 1702 15.00% 2610 6.85% 408 18.94% 381 36.88% 52937 3.12%
15 1044 2.69% 211 1.86% 1041 2.73% 34 1.58% 20 1.94% 21167 1.25%
16 993 2.56% 105 0.93% 990 2.60% 29 1.35% 14 1.36% 11072 0.65%
17 874 2.25% 49 0.43% 867 2.28% 26 1.21% 13 1.26% 4169 0.25%
18 1102 2.84% 212 1.87% 1098 2.88% 35 1.62% 17 1.65% 21936 1.29%
19 1144 2.95% 167 1.47% 1104 2.90% 33 1.53% 17 1.65% 16786 0.99%
20 2219 5.72% 1261 11.11% 2190 5.75% 57 2.65% 19 1.84% 135620 7.99%
21 1449 3.73% 513 4.52% 1440 3.78% 49 2.27% 16 1.55% 53663 3.16%
22 1231 3.17% 322 2.84% 1222 3.21% 75 3.48% 24 2.32% 34224 2.02%
23 1285 3.31% 359 3.16% 1248 3.28% 54 2.51% 22 2.13% 35558 2.09%
24 1292 3.33% 338 2.98% 1285 3.37% 48 2.23% 28 2.71% 34771 2.05%
25 2848 7.34% 1860 16.39% 2808 7.37% 522 24.23% 483 46.76% 159592 9.40%
26 1087 2.80% 133 1.17% 1076 2.82% 34 1.58% 19 1.84% 13741 0.81%
27 1182 3.05% 214 1.89% 1150 3.02% 48 2.23% 28 2.71% 20124 1.19%
28 1280 3.30% 372 3.28% 1246 3.27% 101 4.69% 30 2.90% 36835 2.17%
29 1121 2.89% 268 2.36% 1117 2.93% 94 4.36% 32 3.10% 28129 1.66%

Hourly usage for February 2020

Hourly Statistics for February 2020
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 50 1454 3.75% 9 281 2.48% 49 1430 3.75% 973 28215 1.66%
1 53 1562 4.03% 15 437 3.85% 53 1552 4.07% 4957 143750 8.47%
2 50 1462 3.77% 10 302 2.66% 50 1454 3.82% 1077 31221 1.84%
3 48 1416 3.65% 9 275 2.42% 48 1408 3.70% 991 28732 1.69%
4 94 2737 7.05% 54 1574 13.87% 93 2722 7.14% 1390 40299 2.37%
5 49 1429 3.68% 9 289 2.55% 49 1421 3.73% 1025 29724 1.75%
6 54 1573 4.05% 14 427 3.76% 53 1561 4.10% 1458 42292 2.49%
7 52 1536 3.96% 12 357 3.15% 51 1499 3.93% 5897 171020 10.07%
8 56 1642 4.23% 18 537 4.73% 56 1640 4.30% 1875 54369 3.20%
9 51 1492 3.84% 11 345 3.04% 50 1453 3.81% 1161 33678 1.98%
10 52 1525 3.93% 13 396 3.49% 52 1511 3.97% 1150 33340 1.96%
11 46 1359 3.50% 8 248 2.19% 46 1348 3.54% 861 24957 1.47%
12 57 1676 4.32% 18 544 4.79% 56 1636 4.29% 7181 208246 12.26%
13 48 1420 3.66% 10 298 2.63% 48 1402 3.68% 1016 29472 1.74%
14 50 1450 3.74% 10 303 2.67% 49 1428 3.75% 1002 29049 1.71%
15 49 1421 3.66% 9 288 2.54% 46 1357 3.56% 892 25864 1.52%
16 63 1839 4.74% 24 722 6.36% 62 1812 4.76% 7380 214017 12.60%
17 54 1570 4.05% 14 413 3.64% 51 1495 3.92% 1421 41220 2.43%
18 59 1720 4.43% 20 591 5.21% 57 1654 4.34% 2204 63902 3.76%
19 46 1342 3.46% 7 209 1.84% 44 1281 3.36% 5419 157148 9.25%
20 49 1445 3.72% 8 246 2.17% 47 1380 3.62% 5663 164240 9.67%
21 51 1501 3.87% 11 325 2.86% 50 1469 3.86% 1224 35491 2.09%
22 50 1456 3.75% 10 297 2.62% 49 1433 3.76% 1034 29981 1.77%
23 95 2777 7.16% 56 1642 14.47% 94 2751 7.22% 1302 37769 2.22%

Top 30 of 54 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 5679 14.64% 603666 35.55% /webstat/usage_201507.html
2 2696 6.95% 27244 1.60% /webstat/
3 2284 5.89% 230023 13.55% /webstat/usage_202002.html
4 271 0.70% 1202 0.07% /
5 46 0.12% 560648 33.02% /2018-02-16_Zirkushalle_finn.mp4
6 33 0.09% 115 0.01% /textil.html
7 31 0.08% 153024 9.01% /finn.mp4
8 31 0.08% 133 0.01% /kreation.html
9 31 0.08% 136 0.01% /visuals.html
10 30 0.08% 141 0.01% /media.html
11 28 0.07% 235 0.01% /css/mobile.css
12 28 0.07% 45 0.00% /js/mobile.js
13 27 0.07% 466 0.03% /css/style.css
14 23 0.06% 61 0.00% /favicon.ico
15 22 0.06% 223 0.01%
16 19 0.05% 488 0.03% /fonts/lato-regular-webfont.woff
17 18 0.05% 409 0.02% /fonts/magra-bold-webfont.woff
18 18 0.05% 393 0.02% /fonts/roboto-regular-webfont.woff
19 15 0.04% 314 0.02% /fonts/quicksand-bold-webfont.woff
20 13 0.03% 1471 0.09% /webstat/usage_201602.html
21 6 0.02% 23 0.00% /zirkushalle.html
22 5 0.01% 16 0.00% /egle.html
23 3 0.01% 155 0.01% /fonts/lato-regular-webfont.ttf
24 3 0.01% 120 0.01% /fonts/magra-bold-webfont.ttf
25 3 0.01% 123 0.01% /fonts/quicksand-bold-webfont.ttf
26 3 0.01% 123 0.01% /fonts/roboto-regular-webfont.ttf
27 2 0.01% 192 0.01% /webstat/usage_201407.html
28 2 0.01% 194 0.01% /webstat/usage_201506.html
29 1 0.00% 99312 5.85% /2017-07-02_Dia_Egleklasse_web.mp4
30 1 0.00% 6 0.00% /2019faschingskonzert.html

Top 10 of 54 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 5679 14.64% 603666 35.55% /webstat/usage_201507.html
2 46 0.12% 560648 33.02% /2018-02-16_Zirkushalle_finn.mp4
3 2284 5.89% 230023 13.55% /webstat/usage_202002.html
4 31 0.08% 153024 9.01% /finn.mp4
5 1 0.00% 99312 5.85% /2017-07-02_Dia_Egleklasse_web.mp4
6 2696 6.95% 27244 1.60% /webstat/
7 13 0.03% 1471 0.09% /webstat/usage_201602.html
8 271 0.70% 1202 0.07% /
9 19 0.05% 488 0.03% /fonts/lato-regular-webfont.woff
10 27 0.07% 466 0.03% /css/style.css

Top 10 of 17 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 5679 14.64% 848 41.41% /webstat/usage_201507.html
2 2696 6.95% 801 39.11% /webstat/
3 271 0.70% 220 10.74% /
4 2284 5.89% 94 4.59% /webstat/usage_202002.html
5 33 0.09% 15 0.73% /textil.html
6 31 0.08% 13 0.63% /kreation.html
7 13 0.03% 13 0.63% /webstat/usage_201602.html
8 30 0.08% 12 0.59% /media.html
9 31 0.08% 9 0.44% /visuals.html
10 22 0.06% 8 0.39%

Top 10 of 16 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 5679 14.64% 846 41.37% /webstat/usage_201507.html
2 2696 6.95% 802 39.22% /webstat/
3 271 0.70% 206 10.07% /
4 2284 5.89% 94 4.60% /webstat/usage_202002.html
5 31 0.08% 22 1.08% /kreation.html
6 33 0.09% 17 0.83% /textil.html
7 30 0.08% 14 0.68% /media.html
8 13 0.03% 13 0.64% /webstat/usage_201602.html
9 31 0.08% 11 0.54% /visuals.html
10 22 0.06% 8 0.39%

Top 30 of 1033 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 21806 56.20% 0 0.00% 10179 0.60% 4 0.19%
2 5036 12.98% 0 0.00% 2351 0.14% 2 0.09%
3 2144 5.53% 2144 18.90% 216118 12.73% 22 1.02%
4 412 1.06% 412 3.63% 43797 2.58% 85 3.95%
5 390 1.01% 390 3.44% 3952 0.23% 1 0.05%
6 331 0.85% 331 2.92% 35186 2.07% 28 1.30%
7 323 0.83% 323 2.85% 34336 2.02% 33 1.53%
8 275 0.71% 275 2.42% 29233 1.72% 38 1.76%
9 257 0.66% 257 2.27% 27320 1.61% 21 0.97%
10 242 0.62% 242 2.13% 25725 1.52% 49 2.27%
11 196 0.51% 196 1.73% 20835 1.23% 30 1.39%
12 188 0.48% 188 1.66% 19985 1.18% 37 1.72%
13 176 0.45% 176 1.55% 1784 0.11% 2 0.09%
14 167 0.43% 167 1.47% 17753 1.05% 45 2.09%
15 163 0.42% 163 1.44% 17327 1.02% 43 2.00%
16 163 0.42% 163 1.44% 17327 1.02% 10 0.46%
17 161 0.41% 161 1.42% 17115 1.01% 19 0.88%
18 155 0.40% 155 1.37% 16477 0.97% 31 1.44%
19 150 0.39% 150 1.32% 15945 0.94% 3 0.14%
20 150 0.39% 150 1.32% 15945 0.94% 7 0.32%
21 150 0.39% 150 1.32% 15945 0.94% 3 0.14%
22 150 0.39% 150 1.32% 15945 0.94% 17 0.79%
23 128 0.33% 128 1.13% 13607 0.80% 11 0.51%
24 116 0.30% 116 1.02% 12331 0.73% 9 0.42%
25 116 0.30% 116 1.02% 12331 0.73% 18 0.84%
26 114 0.29% 114 1.00% 12119 0.71% 5 0.23%
27 109 0.28% 109 0.96% 11587 0.68% 11 0.51%
28 106 0.27% 106 0.93% 11268 0.66% 18 0.84%
29 100 0.26% 39 0.34% 550354 32.41% 1 0.05%
30 97 0.25% 97 0.85% 10311 0.61% 10 0.46%

Top 10 of 1033 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 100 0.26% 39 0.34% 550354 32.41% 1 0.05%
2 2144 5.53% 2144 18.90% 216118 12.73% 22 1.02%
3 65 0.17% 39 0.34% 157569 9.28% 4 0.19%
4 91 0.23% 56 0.49% 100047 5.89% 29 1.35%
5 412 1.06% 412 3.63% 43797 2.58% 85 3.95%
6 331 0.85% 331 2.92% 35186 2.07% 28 1.30%
7 323 0.83% 323 2.85% 34336 2.02% 33 1.53%
8 275 0.71% 275 2.42% 29233 1.72% 38 1.76%
9 257 0.66% 257 2.27% 27320 1.61% 21 0.97%
10 242 0.62% 242 2.13% 25725 1.52% 49 2.27%

Top 30 of 600 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 9420 24.28%
2 5752 14.82% http://\xe2\xe5\xe1.\xec\xe0\xe9\xeb\xee\xef\xee\xf1\xf2.\xf0\xf4
3 4351 11.21%
4 4270 11.00%
5 3128 8.06% http://xn--90abj.xn--80asgbnagrj.xn--p1ai
6 1363 3.51%
7 1354 3.49%
8 881 2.27% - (Direct Request)
9 495 1.28%
10 331 0.85%
11 151 0.39%
12 149 0.38%
13 134 0.35%
14 134 0.35%
15 130 0.34%
16 114 0.29%
17 111 0.29%
18 99 0.26%
19 72 0.19%
20 64 0.16%
21 62 0.16%
22 62 0.16%
23 61 0.16%
24 61 0.16%
25 58 0.15%
26 57 0.15%
27 57 0.15%
28 56 0.14%
29 55 0.14%
30 53 0.14%

Top 15 of 96 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 11548 29.76% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36
2 8995 23.18% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (
3 4511 11.63% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (
4 4473 11.53% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
5 2718 7.00% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
6 2284 5.89% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101
7 1269 3.27% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML
8 691 1.78% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (
9 668 1.72% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
10 558 1.44% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
11 119 0.31% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_5) AppleWebKit/5
12 64 0.16% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/6.1; +
13 61 0.16% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_0_3 like Mac OS X) Appl
14 60 0.15% stagefright/1.2 (Linux;Android 5.0.2)
15 53 0.14% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) App

Usage by Country for February 2020

Top 30 of 39 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 33600 86.59% 6505 57.33% 517076 30.45% Unresolved/Unknown
2 3618 9.32% 3432 30.25% 389808 22.96% US Commercial
3 521 1.34% 490 4.32% 29053 1.71% Network
4 323 0.83% 323 2.85% 34336 2.02% Non-Profit Organization
5 217 0.56% 125 1.10% 710050 41.82% Austria
6 134 0.35% 134 1.18% 13668 0.80% Colombia
7 74 0.19% 67 0.59% 513 0.03% Germany
8 60 0.15% 60 0.53% 699 0.04% Russian Federation
9 51 0.13% 51 0.45% 517 0.03% Brazil
10 37 0.10% 31 0.27% 317 0.02% France
11 24 0.06% 23 0.20% 223 0.01% Ukraine
12 21 0.05% 21 0.19% 213 0.01% Japan
13 16 0.04% 16 0.14% 162 0.01% Turkey
14 15 0.04% 15 0.13% 141 0.01% India
15 11 0.03% 10 0.09% 296 0.02% Italy
16 9 0.02% 9 0.08% 91 0.01% British Indian Ocean Territory
17 9 0.02% 9 0.08% 91 0.01% Viet Nam
18 8 0.02% 8 0.07% 81 0.00% Lithuania
19 8 0.02% 8 0.07% 81 0.00% Romania
20 6 0.02% 6 0.05% 61 0.00% Argentina
21 5 0.01% 5 0.04% 51 0.00% Old style Arpanet (arpa)
22 5 0.01% 5 0.04% 51 0.00% Canada
23 4 0.01% 4 0.04% 41 0.00% Indonesia
24 4 0.01% 4 0.04% 41 0.00% Latvia
25 3 0.01% 3 0.03% 30 0.00% Czech Republic
26 3 0.01% 3 0.03% 30 0.00% Netherlands
27 3 0.01% 3 0.03% 30 0.00% South Africa
28 2 0.01% 2 0.02% 20 0.00% New Zealand (Aotearoa)
29 2 0.01% 2 0.02% 20 0.00% Poland
30 2 0.01% 2 0.02% 20 0.00% Taiwan

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01